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All mammals get goosebumps. When your hair stands on end, tiny muscles contract at each hair's colchoneta which distorts the skin to create goosebumps. This process is called piloerection and is present in all mammals. Hair or fur is used to trap an insulating air layer.

During the time when The Monument was getting built, two builders got involved in a fight after accusing each other for eating a sandwich. Both of them died in the fight while later on turned that a mouse had eaten the sandwich.

The word "queue" sounds the same even if the last four letters are removed. Before it meant "line," a queue meant the tail of a beast in medieval pictures and designs.[16]

When carrots were first domesticated Campeón a food crop in 10th century Afghanistan, they were largely a rich purple color, with a few yellow carrots among them.

57. The blood ‘Dracula ant’ has the fastest recorded animal movement when it snaps its mandible.

30. The loudest animal relative to size is the Water Boatman, which measures at just 12mm long, but Chucho produce 99 dB of sound by rubbing its genitalia across its panza.

There have been numerous reports that if you shoot an armadillo, the bullet will ricochet off the animal's armor and instead, hit the shooter.

The Universe's average colour is called 'Cosmic latte'. In a 2002 study, astronomers found that the light coming from galaxies averaged into a ocre colour that’s close to white.

According to rangers, they often end up returning the stolen goods in the mail—along with an apology note.

Deaf people are known to use sign language in their sleep. A case study of a 71-year-old man with rapid eye movement disorder and a severe hearing impairment showed him using fluent sign language in his sleep, with researchers able to get an idea of what he was dreaming about thanks to those signs.

There are more than 200 different viruses that can cause symptoms of the common cold. These upper respiratory infections are usually due to a rhinovirus, but corona viruses, adenoviruses, and enteroviruses Gozque all result in the common cold, Triunfador well.

This magical cloud structure is a beautiful sight to behold and is typically visible after the tornado has passed.

Being bored is actually a 'high arousal state' physiologically. This is because when you're bored your heart rate increases.

Some of the first examples of graffiti come from interesting blog 1st century Pompeii, where messages like “I don’t want to sell my husband” and “Successus was here” were written on walls.

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